Professor Van-Tam Opens New Sports Facility And Tours Schools

The Government’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam returned to his roots on Friday, visiting a number of Boston schools and opening the community 3G pitch based at Haven High Academy.
The £900,000 state-of-the-art sports facility was made possible following contributions from Boston Town Deal's accelerated funding, the Voyage Education Partnership, the Football Foundation and the Medlock Trust.
The facility is already promoting various sports and physical activities, while bringing together groups of all ages and abilities to help improve wellbeing levels in the area.
While at the event to officially open the 3G pitch, Professor Van-Tam took some penalties against Haven High Academy pupil Sam - who trains with Aston Villa and England.
Representatives from the borough council and various local sporting organisations were also present during the opening event.
Matthew Van Lier, Headteacher at Haven High Academy, said: “We were so proud to have Professor Van-Tam visit our academy and officially open the 3G pitch facility here.
“The students were excited to show him their football skills and were surprised to see how well he kicked the ball!
“We presented him with one of our school ties and look forward to seeing him wear it as part of his future medical officer duties.”
After cutting the ribbon at Haven High Academy, Professor Van-Tam visited pupils at Park Academy for a tour of the school and a Q&A session with the young scientists there.
Professor Van-Tam said: ““It was a pleasure to visit the Boston schools and college and chat to the children and young people - my old primary school, Hawthorn Tree, Boston College, Haven High Academy and Park Academy.
“What fantastic staff, and how keen the students were to learn about how science has advanced so much during the pandemic.”.